A Message from Our Co-Chairs:
The American Heart Association is celebrating its 17th Annual Waccamaw Area Heart Ball, named one of the Grand Strand’s premier social events and fundraisers. This is sure to be a night of elegance and great memories, as well as a night of hope. On Saturday, February 26th the Grand Strand’s most prominent community leaders will join us to ensure lifesaving research and programs continue to be funded to benefit South Carolinians today and tomorrow.
By increasing public awareness of heart disease and stroke as the #1 and #3 killers of Americans, we can help support the American Heart Association's mission to build healthier lives, free of cardiovascular diseases and stroke. Your contribution is the action needed to guarantee that the funds are raised to support awareness, education and research programs to increase the quality of life for the residents living in Horry and Georgetown counties.
We are extremely excited to not only be co-chairs, but also the very first mother/daughter team to co-chair this event and we thank you for your contribution. We look forward to you joining us at the 2011 Heart Ball!
YOU can make the difference by joining us in support of the Myrtle Beach Area Heart Society’s continuous fight to advance groundbreaking medical research, spread life-saving knowledge and achieve stronger, longer lives for people.